Regulations of the store

These Regulations define the rules of operation of the website

§1 General provisions

  1. These Regulations define the rules of operation of the website, in particular:

1.1 defines the terms used on the website,

1.2 defines the rules for concluding sales contracts, placing orders and their implementation,

1.3 defines the rules of payment and delivery,

1.4 defines the rules of conduct when collecting the parcel,

1.5 defines the rules for submitting complaints and declarations of withdrawal from the contract, including exceptions,

1.6 defines the technical requirements,

1.7 informs about the Privacy Policy,

1.8 informs about proprietary copyrights,

1.9 indicates out-of-court dispute resolution.

  1. 2. The website operating in the domain is run by:

Fimoart Iwona Bębenek,
st. Długa 8, 32-050 Borek Szlachecki
NIP: PL9442018378 REGON: 128080650
e-mail: contact phone: 604125522

  1. The prices given in the Store are given in Polish zlotys and are gross prices (including VAT). The price given for a given Product is binding for the Customer at the time of placing the Order. Prices do not include delivery costs.
  2. The Seller is an active VAT Payer.
  3. Information about the Products provided on the Store's website, in particular their descriptions and prices, do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, but only an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.
  4. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of Products available in the Online Store, introduce new Products, withdraw Products, carry out promotions and give discounts, as well as offer free Products for a limited time. The above provisions do not affect Orders that were placed before the date of entry into force of any of the changes.
  5. The duration of the promotion is limited. Discounts and promotions cannot be combined. Detailed information is included each time in the terms or regulations of a given promotion.
  6. The condition for placing an Order by the Customer is to read the Regulations and accept its provisions at the time of placing the Order. By accepting, the customer agrees to all provisions and undertakes to comply with them.
  7. The website provides the possibility of registering a customer account.
  8. These Regulations are made available free of charge. The Customer may record the content of the Regulations in a convenient way, e.g. by recording on a durable medium or by printing.
  9. These Regulations are made available free of charge. The Customer may record the content of the Regulations in a convenient way, e.g. by recording on a durable medium or by printing.
  10. It is reserved that Consumers and Entrepreneurs with consumer rights are not affected by the provisions of the Regulations that would constitute prohibited contractual provisions within the meaning of the Civil Code (Art. 385(1) to 385(3)) or would violate the mandatory provisions of law regarding the conclusion of contracts with the participation of the Consumer and the Entrepreneur on consumer rights, which would be included in the register of contract template provisions considered prohibited, kept by the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
  11. It is forbidden for the Customer to provide unlawful content.
  12. The Seller does not allow Customers to leave opinions regarding the quality of service and the quality of the Products offered.
  13. The Seller does not allow Customers to leave opinions regarding the quality of service and the quality of the Products offered.


§2 Definitions

Business day - one day from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays

Order form - an electronic, interactive service available in the Seller's online store, enabling placing an order

Civil Code - The Civil Code Act of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws 1964.16.93, as amended)

Product / Goods - all products available in the online store that are the subject of a sales contract between the seller and the customer

Product manufactured according to the specification of the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights - means a non-prefabricated product that was made on the basis of an individual choice or decision of the consumer or entrepreneur with consumer rights.

Statute - these shop regulations

Online store / Website - an online store available at through which the customer can order products or services

Seller, Service Provider Fimoart Iwona Bębenek, ul. Długa 8, 32-050 Borek Szlachecki
NIP: PL9442018378 REGON: 128080650

Sales contract - a product sales contract concluded between the customer and the seller via the online store

Order - customer's declaration of will, submitted using the order form, aiming directly at concluding a product sales contract with the seller

Privacy policy - a document that describes the purposes and principles of data processing, including the rights of data subjects

Customer, Service Recipient - consumer, entrepreneur with consumer rights, entrepreneur

Consumer - in accordance with the definition contained in art. 22(1) of the Civil Code

Entrepreneur - as defined in Article 43(1) of the Civil Code

Entrepreneur with consumer rights - a natural person running a sole proprietorship, having an entry in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, concluding a contract directly related to its business activity, but not of a professional nature for it, resulting from the subject of business activity, verified on the basis of provisions on the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity. However, this applies only to distance and off-premises contracts

Basket - a list of products made of the products offered in the store based on the customer's choice

Electronic service - a service provided electronically by the service provider to the recipient via the website

Customer Account - an electronic service, means a panel individual for each customer, launched on his behalf by the seller, after the customer has registered

Registration form - a form available on the seller's website, enabling the creation of a customer account

Contact form -an electronic service, a form in which users of the website post information and data in order to complete the submitted application

Newsletter - an electronic service that allows the service recipient to subscribe to and receive free information from the service provider regarding the website to the e-mail address provided by the service recipient


§3 Electronic Services

  1. The following electronic services are available on the Website:

1.1 Order Form

1.2 Contact form

1.3 Newsletters

1.4 Customer Account

  1. The Order Form service is one-off and ends when the Order is placed through it or when the Customer ceases to place the Order through it earlier.
  2. The Contact Form service consists in providing the Service Recipients with the possibility of sending messages to the Seller using the form placed on the website.
  3. The Newsletter service is provided for an indefinite period of time for Service Recipients with a registered Customer Account. The Service Recipient may at any time, without giving a reason, unsubscribe from the Newsletter by clicking on the appropriate link in the message sent as part of the Newsletter or by sending an e-mail to The service consists in sending by the Seller to the e-mail address, messages in electronic form containing information about new Products in the Seller's offer, current commercial offer, promotions, discounts, training and other information regarding the functioning of the online store. The Service Provider reserves the right to discontinue the Newsletter service without giving a reason, after notifying the Service Recipient of this fact.
  4. The customer account is a service available after registration on the terms described in these Regulations:

5.1 In order to set up a Customer Account, a registration form must be completed. It is necessary to provide the following data: name, surname, e-mail address, password and the User's display name (nickname).

5.2 Logging into the Customer Account is done by entering the e-mail address or Username and password set in the Registration Form.

5.3 The Customer may at any time, without giving a reason and without incurring any fees, delete the Customer Account by sending a relevant request to the Seller, in particular via e-mail or in writing to the Seller's address.

5.4 In the event of a breach by the Service Recipient of the Regulations, the law or decency, the Service Provider may terminate the contract with the Service Recipient or suspend its performance under a specific Customer Account.

  1. The Seller informs that the use of services provided electronically, the public nature of the Internet and its use may be associated with certain risks, e.g. it may be possible to obtain and modify Customer data by unauthorized persons, malicious software may be installed on the device and the ICT system used by the Customer. Customers should use appropriate technical measures to minimize risks.
  2. The Service Provider is obliged to consider any complaints submitted by the Customer regarding irregularities, defects or interruptions in the provision of Services and the functioning of the Online Store, within no more than 14 days.
  3. A complaint regarding electronic services can be submitted:

8.1 via e-mail:

8.2 in a traditional way by sending a complaint to the following address: Fimoart Iwona Bębenek,
st. Długa 8, 32-050 Borek Szlachecki

  1. Free services are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.


§4 Conclusion of a sales contract

  1. The Seller enables the conclusion of the Sales Agreement via the Order Form on the website
  2. Orders via the Order Form can be placed 24 hours a day throughout the year.
  3. In order to place an Order, it is necessary for the Customer to perform the following actions:

3.1 add the selected Product to the Basket by clicking the button: "Add to basket"

3.2 in the Basket, the Customer may:

3.2.1 increase or decrease the quantity of a given Product

3.2.2 completely remove the selected Products from the Basket by clicking the "X" icon on the left side of the Basket table

3.2.3 to refresh the contents of the Basket, click the "Update Basket" button

3.2.4 redeem received vouchers;

3.3 after accepting the contents of the Basket and delivery costs, click the "Proceed to payment" button

3.4 then complete the Order Form by:

3.4.1 supplementing personal data

3.4.2 completing billing and delivery addresses

3.4.3 choosing a delivery method from among those provided by the Online Store

3.4.4 mandatory data are marked with "*"

3.4.5 selecting payments from those made available by the Online Store

3.5 then:

3.5.1 read and accept the Shop Terms and Conditions

3.5.2 confirm that you have read the Privacy Policy and agree to the processing of data for the purposes of the Order

3.6 confirm the will to conclude the contract by clicking the "Buy and pay" button.

3.7 The choice of a traditional transfer as a form of payment for the placed Order is associated with the obligation to pay.

3.8 When choosing PayPal or Przelewy24, select the payment method from the available ones, read and accept the regulations of the selected payment operator, and then confirm the Order by clicking the "I confirm the order" or equivalent button. Placing an Order involves the obligation to pay.

  1. The order sent by the Customer is a declaration of the Customer's will to conclude a Sales Agreement with the Seller, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
  2. After placing the Order, the Customer will receive a message confirming the Order, which is the Seller's declaration of will to conclude a Sales Agreement with the Customer. The sales contract is considered concluded when the Customer receives a message from the Seller.
  3. The customer is obliged to enter data consistent with the facts.
  4. The Customer may place an Order without creating a Customer Account.


§5 Order completion date

  1. The Order is processed within 5 business days, unless a different date is specified in the description of a given Product when placing the Order. Each time, the Order completion date should be counted from the day following the payment date, i.e. the date of crediting the payment to the Seller's account.
  2. If a different delivery period is provided for the Products covered by the Order, the longest period among those provided applies to the entire Order.


§6 Delivery

  1. Products are delivered via courier companies: DPD Polska, FedEx, GLS Polska.
  2. Information on the costs related to the delivery of purchased Products is made available
    in the "Basket" before placing the Order by the Customer.
  3. The delivery of Products to the Customer is payable, unless the concluded Sales Agreement provides otherwise.
  4. The customer bears the costs incurred as a result of the inability to deliver the shipment due to providing untrue or incorrect personal and address data or unjustified groundless refusal to collect the shipment.
  5. Delivery costs are charged in accordance with the current price list of DPD Polska, FedEx and GLS Polska and depend on the weight, size of the shipment, choice of delivery method and the selected form of payment. When filling out the Order Form, the Customer is informed about the costs and selects the method and accepts the cost of delivery when placing the Order.
  6. Delivery of Products is not limited to the territory of Poland and is carried out to the address indicated by the Customer when placing the Order.
  7. Intra-Community delivery of goods (WDT) is the delivery of Products from the territory of Poland to the territory of a Member State of the European Union. For a transaction to be considered an ICS, the following requirements must be met:

7.1 The Customer purchasing the Product must have the status of a VAT payer granted by a Member State other than Poland competent for the Seller or

7.2 The Customer must be a legal person who is not a VAT payer and is identified for the purposes of intra-Community transactions in the territory of a Member State other than Poland (should have a VAT-EU number issued in a country other than Poland),

7.3 The Seller is registered in Poland as a VAT-EU taxpayer,

7.4 The Seller has evidence in its documentation that the Products were exported from the territory of Poland and delivered to the Customer in the territory of a Member State other than Poland.

  1. As a general rule, transactions between Entrepreneurs from different European Union countries are subject to VAT in the Customer's country. However, in the Seller's country, the 0% VAT rate or exemption with the right to deduct input tax applies.


§7 Shipments

  1. If a courier company is selected as the supplier of the ordered Products:

1.1 The Customer should examine the delivered shipment with the ordered Products in time and in the manner adopted for shipments of a given type and check whether the Products are not defective.

1.2 In the event of a loss or damage identified during the delivery of the shipment containing the ordered Products, the Customer has the right to request the courier to write down the appropriate protocol.

1.3 The Customer acknowledges that in the absence of a proper protocol with the participation of the courier, it may be difficult to recognize the complaint, therefore it is recommended to collect evidence confirming the condition of the shipment at the time of its delivery. In such a situation, the Customer should immediately contact the Seller.

1.4 Detailed information on the complaint procedure at DPD Polska, FedEx and GLS Polska is available in the regulations available on the carrier's website.

  1. The provision of sec. 1 §7 of the Shipment applies to the Customer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights.
  2. n the case of a Customer who is not a Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights, failure to report damage, quantity shortages or incompleteness of the goods related to the delivery within 2 days from the date of delivery of the Product to the address indicated in the Order is considered equivalent to the statement of the Customer who is not a Consumer or Entrepreneur on the consumer's rights to collect the Product without any reservations and results in the loss of claims in the above scope.


§8 Payments

  1. The Seller provides the following payments:

1.1 traditional transfer to the Seller's bank account within 7 days from the date of sending the confirmation of the conclusion of the contract by the Seller (prepayment).

1.2 via PayPal in the form of prepayment by electronic transfer or card. Prepayment is made via the external payment system PayPal. The service is provided by PayPal (Europe) S.a Cie, S.C.A. (R.C.S. Luxemburg B 118 349). PayPal is duly licensed in Luxembourg to operate as a bank. PayPal operates under the strict supervision of the Luxembourg Financial Supervisory Commission (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF). The CSSF maintains a register of organizations it supervises, which can be accessed at In this register, PayPal is listed under the number B00000351.

1.3 via Przelewy24 in the form of a prepayment by electronic transfer or payment card. The prepayment is made via the Przelewy24 external payment system (operated by PayPro SA with its registered office in Poznań, Pastelowa 8 (60-198), entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań Nowe Miasto and Wilda, 8th Commercial Division of the National Register Court under KRS number 0000347935, NIP number 7792369887, with a share capital of PLN 5,476,300.00, fully paid up, and to the register of domestic payment institutions kept by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority under UKNF number IP24/2014.

  1. In the absence of payment by the Customer within the period referred to in sec. 1 point 1.1 §8 of these Regulations, the Seller may withdraw from the Agreement pursuant to art. 491 of the Civil Code.
  2. In the absence of payment by the Customer within the period referred to in sec. 1 point 1.1 §8 of these Regulations, the Seller may withdraw from the Agreement pursuant to art. 491 of the Civil Code.
  3. The Seller will issue a VAT invoice to the Customer. The Customer agrees to receive electronic invoices from the Seller and send them to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.



§9 Complaints

  1. New Products are covered by the sales contract.
  2. The Seller bears the responsibility provided for by law for the compliance of the Product with the Agreement.
  3. In the event of non-compliance of the Product with the concluded contract, the Consumer has the right to submit a complaint based on the provisions of the Act on Consumer Rights of 30 May 2014.
  4. A complaint can be submitted to the Seller's address:

4.1 za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej:

4.2 in a traditional way by sending a complaint to the following address: Fimoart Iwona Bębenek,
st. Długa 8, 32-050 Borek Szlachecki

  1. The complaint should contain: name and surname, contact details, description of the defect, date of noticing the defect, proof of purchase, method of answering, as well as a specific request of the Consumer related to the complaint. If the complaint concerns the Product, the Product subject to the complaint should be returned together with the complaint letter. If the given data or information needs to be supplemented, before considering the complaint, the Seller will ask the Consumer submitting the complaint to supplement it in the indicated scope.
  2. The Seller will consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt and inform the Consumer about the decision made in the manner indicated by the Consumer in the complaint letter.
  3. The Seller shall be liable for the lack of conformity of the Product with the contract existing at the time of its delivery and disclosed within two years from that moment, unless the Product's expiry date specified by the Seller, its legal predecessors or persons acting on their behalf is longer.
  4. In the case of a Sales Agreement with a Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights, it is presumed that the lack of conformity of the Product with the contract, which was revealed before the expiry of two years from the moment of delivery of the goods, existed at the time of its delivery, unless proven otherwise or presumptions cannot be reconciled with the specificity of the Product or the nature of the Product's non-compliance with the contract.
  5. If the Product is inconsistent with the contract, the Consumer may:

9.1 request repair or replacement

9.2 submit a statement on price reduction or withdrawal from the contract when:

9.2.1 The Seller refused to bring the Product into compliance with the contract in accordance with Art. 43d section 2 of the Act on Consumer Rights of May 30, 2014;

9.2.2 The Seller has not brought the Product into compliance with the contract in accordance with Art. 43d section 4-6 of the Act on Consumer Rights of May 30, 2014;

9.2.3 the lack of conformity of the Product with the contract persists even though the Seller has tried to bring the Product into conformity with the contract;

9.2.4 the lack of conformity of the Product with the contract is significant enough to justify a price reduction or withdrawal from the contract without prior repair or replacement;

9.2.5 it is clear from the Seller's statement or circumstances that he will not bring the Product into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time or without undue inconvenience to the Consumer.

  1. The consumer may not withdraw from the contract if the lack of conformity with the contract is insignificant. It is presumed that the lack of conformity of the Product with the contract is significant.
  2. The Consumer makes the Product subject to repair or replacement available to the Seller. The Seller collects the Product from the Consumer at his own expense. The store does not accept any COD shipments.
  3. The Seller returns to the Consumer the amounts due as a result of exercising the right to reduce the price immediately, not later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement on the price reduction.
  4. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Consumer immediately returns the Product to the Seller at his expense. The Seller returns the price to the Consumer immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Product or proof of its return. The store does not accept any COD shipments.
  5. The provisions of sec. 1-13 of this paragraph apply accordingly to the Entrepreneur with consumer rights.
  6. The provisions of sec. 1-13 of this paragraph apply accordingly to the Entrepreneur with consumer rights.


§10 Withdrawal from the contract

  1. Pursuant to Article 27 para. 1 of the Act on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827) A consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights, concluding a "distance contract" - has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason - within 14 calendar days from the date of taking possession of the Product .
  2. The period specified in par. 1 begins with the delivery of the Product to the Consumer, Entrepreneur with consumer rights or a person other than the carrier indicated by them.
  3. In the case of an Agreement that covers many Products that are delivered separately, in batches or in parts, the date indicated in section 1 runs from the delivery of the last item, batch or part.
  4. The Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights may withdraw from the Agreement by submitting a statement of withdrawal from the Agreement to the Seller. To meet the deadline for withdrawing from the Agreement, it is enough for the Consumer or the Entrepreneur to send a statement with consumer rights before the expiry of this period.
  5. The statement may be sent by traditional mail or electronically by sending the statement to the Seller's e-mail address or by submitting a statement on the Seller's website - the Seller's contact details are specified in § 1 section 2. The statement may also be submitted on the form, the model of which is attached as Appendix 1 to these Regulations and as an attachment to the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, however, it is not mandatory.
  6. If the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights sends a statement electronically, the Seller shall immediately send the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights to the e-mail address provided by them a confirmation of receipt of the statement of withdrawal from the Agreement.
  7. Effects of withdrawing from the Agreement:

7.1 In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement concluded remotely, the Agreement is considered not concluded.

7.2 In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement, the Seller returns to the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights immediately, not later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's or Entrepreneur with consumer rights' statement on withdrawal from the Agreement, all payments made by him, including the costs of delivering the item, with the exception of additional costs resulting from the method of delivery chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest usual method of delivery offered by the Seller.

7.3 The Seller will return the payment using the same payment methods that were used by the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights in the original transaction, unless the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights has expressly agreed to a different solution that will not involve any costs.

7.4 The Seller may withhold the reimbursement until receipt of the Product back or until proof of its return is provided to him, depending on which event occurs first.

7.5 The Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights should return the Product to the Seller's address provided in these Regulations immediately, not later than 14 days from the date on which he informed the Seller about the withdrawal from the Agreement. The deadline will be met if the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights sends back the Product before the expiry of the 14-day period.

7.6 The Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights bears the direct cost of returning the Product, including the cost of returning the Product if, due to its nature, the Product could not be returned by regular mail.

7.7 The Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights is only liable for a decrease in the value of the Product resulting from using it in a different way than was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.

7.8 If, due to the nature of the Product, it cannot be returned by regular mail, information about this, as well as the cost of returning the Product, will be included in the Product description in the Store.

  1. The right to withdraw from a distance contract is not vested in the Consumer and the Entrepreneur with consumer rights in relation to the Contract:

8.1 in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated Product, manufactured according to the Consumer's specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs,

8.2 for the provision of services for which the Consumer is obliged to pay the price, if the entrepreneur has fully performed the service with the express and prior consent of the Consumer, who was informed before the commencement of the service that after the performance of the service by the entrepreneur he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and accepted it to the news,

8.3 in which the subject of the service are Products which, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items after delivery,

8.4 in which the subject of the service is a Product delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the package was opened after delivery.

  1. The Entrepreneur is not entitled to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason.
  2. Withdrawal from the contract - shipping details:

8.1 via e-mail:

10.2 in a traditional way by sending a statement to the following address: Fimoart Iwona Bębenek,
st. Długa 8, 32-050 Borek Szlachecki


§11 Product manufactured according to the specifications of the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights

  1. Produktami wyprodukowanymi według specyfikacji Konsumenta lub Przedsiębiorcy na prawach konsumenta są wszystkie Produkty w Sklepie, dla których podczas składania Zamówienia Konsument lub Przedsiębiorca na prawach konsumenta określa:

1.1 pattern,

1.2 size,

1.3 finish,

1.4 material.


§12 Technical requirements

  1. 1. To use the Online Store, it is necessary for the Customer to have:

1.1 a computer, laptop or other multimedia device with Internet access

1.2 access to active e-mail, properly configured to receive e-mails from the Seller

1.3 web browser in the latest available version (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge)

1.4 enabled in the web browser the ability to save Cookies and JavaScript support

1.5 software for reading files in .PDF format

  1. The Seller's liability is excluded if the Customer has not adapted to the above technical requirements necessary to use the Online Store and the Products.


§13 Privacy policy

  1. The administrator of personal data provided when using the Store is the Seller.
  2. The purposes and scope of data processing, entities to which the data will be transferred, as well as the rights of data subjects are described in the Privacy Policy. [link to the page with the Privacy Policy]


§14 Out-of-court and judicial methods of settling disputes

  1. Out-of-court dispute resolution:

1.1 The consumer has the right to use out-of-court dispute resolution by submitting a request to initiate mediation or a request for consideration of the case by an arbitration court. The application should be submitted after the complaint procedure is completed and if both parties to the dispute agree to it. List of Permanent Consumer Arbitration Courts operating at the Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection and The consumer may also use the free assistance of the Poviat (Municipal) Consumer Ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (e.g. Consumer Federation, Association of Polish Consumers).

1.2 The Seller agrees to submit any disputes arising in connection with the concluded contracts for the delivery of the Product through mediation proceedings.

  1. Judicial means of settling disputes:

2.1 Settlement of disputes arising between the Seller and the Consumer is submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the provisions of generally applicable Polish law.

2.2 Settlement of disputes arising between the Seller and the Customer who is not a Consumer is submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Seller.

  1. In accordance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on ODR in consumer disputes) The Seller, as an entrepreneur established in the EU, concluding online sales contracts or service contracts, provides an electronic link to the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) platform enabling out-of-court dispute resolution: odr. Seller's e-mail address:


§15 Final Provisions

  1. Agreements concluded via the website are concluded in accordance with Polish law.
  2. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the following provisions shall apply:

2.1 of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws 1964.16.93 as amended)

2.2 of the Act on the provision of electronic services of July 18, 2002 (Journal of Laws 2002.144.1204 as amended)

2.3 of the Act on Consumer Rights of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827)

  1. All materials, descriptions and photos presented on the website of the Website are protected by copyright and are the property of the Seller. These materials may not be distributed, shared or reproduced without the written consent of the Seller. All materials, descriptions and photos presented on the website of the Online Store are used for information purposes.
  2. Customers are obliged to use the website in a manner consistent with applicable law, social and moral norms and the provisions of the Regulations. As part of using the Website, it is forbidden to provide any information of an unlawful, offensive or infringing personal rights nature.
  3. The Seller reserves the right to amend the Regulations for important reasons, e.g. changes in the law, changes in payment and delivery methods - to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations, changes in technology. The new Regulations come into force on the day of publication on the website of the Website on the Regulations subpage. For contracts concluded before the amendment to the Regulations, the version of the Regulations in force on the date of conclusion of the Agreement shall apply. Customers who have an account will be additionally informed about the changes along with their summary to the e-mail address indicated by them. The date of entry into force of the changes will not be shorter than 14 days from the date of their announcement. If the Customer with a Customer Account does not accept the new content of the Regulations, he is obliged to notify the Seller of this fact within 14 days from the date of notification of the change in the Regulations. Notifying the Seller of the lack of acceptance of the new content of the Regulations results in the termination of the Agreement.
  4. These Regulations come into force on April 5, 2023.

Appendix 1

Declaration of withdrawal from the contract. PDF 

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